Howto use github tokens on the command lineHowto setup a personal access token on github, adapt your local repos and clone new private repos with token based authentication.Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
Exposing a JSON,XML,CSV REST API for an existing SQL Database with python.PythonOnWheels is a Tornado based python web framework with a focus on making your development workflow easy and of less boilerplate.Jan 9, 2020Jan 9, 2020
Remote development on a raspberry pi with ssh and VSCodeRemote development is a really cool and useful feature of VSCode. It makes developing on the remote raspi feeling like you were developing…Dec 28, 20198Dec 28, 20198
Switching from a Mac mini 2012 to an Intel NUC8i5BEK and Ubuntu.I started buying (used) Macs starting with the white iMac 20", I think this was around 2008. I was really attracted to have a silent…Sep 10, 20191Sep 10, 20191
Published inAnalytics VidhyaValidating SQL and NoSQL data models with python and cerberus for a Tornado/PythonOnWheels web…In this short (hands-on) tutorial I will give you a very basic introduction into using the great cerberus library to define and validate…Sep 4, 2019Sep 4, 2019
Debugging a Tornado/ PythonOnWheels web application with VSCode.In this short hands on tutorial you will learn how to debug a Tornado /PythonOnWheels web application with VisualStudio Code (VsCode). In…Aug 13, 2019Aug 13, 2019
Reflecting an existing SQL Database schema with python in minutes with PythonOnWheels.PythonOnWheels is a layer of glue around some great existing libraries/modules and tools to make your python life easier for the boring…May 19, 2019May 19, 2019
A Ruby on Rails workflow for PythonWhen I saw the Ruby on Rails intro by DHH I was literally flashed. It included all I ever wanted. I think Python needs something like this!Feb 8, 2019Feb 8, 2019